Your body is a template on which you can learn to manage your mind. Lifestyle Design & Happiness Coaching can help you learn to actualize your goals and desires by building up the joy factor in all areas of your life.
Feeling stuck?
Are you looking to make changes in your life?
Need help establishing goals and making priorities?
Want to create healthier habits with a better mind-body focus?
Looking to reduce anxiety and improve your relationships?
Lifestyle Design & Happiness Coaching can help you meet these goals. Coaching is highly effective when you are facing challenges and obstacles. Imagine for a moment what it would be like if you already lived a great life… Imagine if your business, your relationships, your health and wellness, the amount of money you create, and your contribution were already incredible.
A happiness coach brings your heart and mind together so you can discover true happiness of spirit. The saying that happiness is a choice is correct: so a purposeful approach is essential to building inner happiness. This is what your coach does for you. Through supportive dialogue and exercises’ your happiness coach gives you the skills to simplify and improve your quality of life. Your coach opens you to new opportunities for finding your personal joy.
“My clients make an IMPACT in the world (or they are ready to). My clients know what it means to be at the top of their game, in at least one area of their life – whether they are a housewife, a car salesman, an athlete, a CEO, a physician, or a coach. And my clients are ready to find out what it would take to reach the next level – or beyond. They are ready to experience true prosperity in all areas of their life. Prosperity is about far more than just money.
Your body is a template on which you can learn to manage your mind. My clients learn to actualize their goals and desires by building up the joy factor in all areas of their life, not just through achieving aspirations.”
– Gloria Bartel
Lifestyle Design & Happiness Coaching by Phone or Skype
(In person availability in Vancouver, Canada)
Take the first step for lasting change.
Email Gloria for a 30 Minute Brealthrough Session Now!
Click Here to Email Gloria
Interview with Gloria Bartel (Click To Listen)
NOOMII Coaching Profile:
Gloria Bartel is a Master Lifestyle Design & Happiness Coaching strongly utilizing the Law of Attraction. She works with people who are looking to attract success in all relationships, health , weight-loss, career and money. She works on the manifesting playground to find out what is stopping you from being happy now! Using Law of Attraction techniques made famous by the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Earl Nightengale, Gloria’s life and health coaching goes beyond physical wellness to empower you with a maximum life of true happiness.
As a certified Law of Attraction Life and health Coach, Gloria specializes in adult women and men who are in transition, empowering them in life, business and Spiritual Journeys. She uses the natural laws of the universe , life and health coaching, nutrition , to teach her clients how to feel fantastic, move through negative blocks and create a fulfilling life and lasting spiritual transformation, attract whatever you want!
As a world traveler, a mother of two, a grandmother, day spa developer/designer, image consultant, sales and marketing specialist, public relations expert, ex-model, interior design consultant, raw food chef/facilitator, wardrobes organizer, cosmetologist, in addition to coaching internationally, Gloria knows firsthand what it is like to feel stuck and too busy, and also how to get out of that hectic cycle. She is passionate about helping women and men alike to illuminate their path and reconnect with who they truly are!
Take the first step for lasting change. Email Gloria for a 30 Minute Brealthrough Session Now!